Monday, July 28, 2003

 African-American History vs. American History

John Hawkins of Right Wing News discusses an article from the Cleveland Plain Dealer which describes a controversy over a white person being assigned to teach an African-American Studies course. Apparently, some parents are outraged.

It would be a problem for A.G. Miller, an associate professor of American and African religious history at Oberlin College. In Oberlin's case, he said, placing a white teacher in the African-American history course would send the wrong message to black high school students.

"The message is that we are not concerned about the importance of your historical background . . . that that is less important than a schedule conflict," said Miller, whose three children graduated from Oberlin High School.

The entire argument becomes moot if the suggestion provided by Hawkins is implemented.

Maybe this may sound like a crazy suggestion to some people, but why don't we just teach these kids American history? Not black history, not white history, but American history. The race of the professor teaching the class doesn't matter, the racial make-up of the class doesn't matter, let's just be color blind and treat all the kids like what they are, Americans. Wouldn't our country be a better place to live if we did that?

Sure makes a lot of sense to me. Read the rest of the story here.

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