Saturday, July 26, 2003

 High Wire Hard Hats

Typically, when the government gets involved in peoples' lives to the extent that laws dictate acceptable clothing, some silliness is bound to result. The Sidney Morning Herald reports on just such an occurrence.

Trapeze artists with one of the world's most famous circuses have been told to start wearing hard hats to comply with new EU safety rules.

Jugglers, tightrope walkers and other acrobats with the Moscow State Circus, which is currently touring Britain, have also been instructed to don safety head wear because of European regulations covering workers employed at heights greater than the average stepladder.

Insurance companies are apparently incorporating the requirements in their liability coverage. The performers are flummoxed. They feel the hard hats sometimes make their acts more dangerous as opposed to providing protection.

I wonder if the guy who sticks his head in the lion's mouth will be required to wear a hard hat. Probably not, that is, as long as he doesn't do it on a stepladder.

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