Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Marine Corps Builds Mosque in Pentagon

Simply unbelievable.

We are at war with militant Islam, but you wouldn't know it from the Pentagon, which is busy erecting a shrine to Islam just five short years after Islamic terrorists destroyed a good chunk of its own building and killed more than 100 of its occupants. Worse, it's consulting on the project with a Wahhabi-educated cleric posing as a moderate.

Last week, military brass -- along with representatives from the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations -- dedicated the first Muslim prayer center for the Marines as a symbol of the military's "religious tolerance" and "respect" for the faith the enemy uses to attack us. Already, plans are in the works to build by 2009 a bigger mosque at the Marine base in Quantico so Muslim service members can have a "proper place" to worship, and one that "honors their religious heritage," officials say, not realizing that the mosque can also be used by the enemy to build a Fifth Column inside the Marines.

The idea for the center came from Navy Lt. Abuhena Mohammed Saifulislam, a young, smooth-talking Muslim chaplain, who wanted a permanent place of worship -- and "education" -- for the growing number of soldiers who are interested in -- and converting to -- Islam.
I'm in shock. Just what in the world is the U.S. military brass thinking? Political correctness has obviously gone too far.

There's more at the link.

[Update 06/15/06]

In response to my email, the author of the article (Paul Sperry) provided clarification indicating that the title of this post is incorrect. The subject mosque is being built at Quantico, not the Pentagon.

My interpretation of Sperry's piece was mistaken and was based upon statements that a shrine to Islam (prayer center) was dedicated last week and that a "bigger mosque" is to be built at Quantico. If a "bigger" mosque is being constructed, I allowed myself to assume that a smaller mosque, dedicated last week, already existed in the Pentagon.

Apologies to the readers and thanks to Vinnie for noting the error.

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