Monday, July 28, 2008

Muslim C & W Singer

Kareem Salama would seem to be a most-unlikely personality. He a Muslim of Egyptian immigrant parents, born and schooled in the U.S., who sings country and western songs in Arabic.
In his songs, he draws on elements of Rock, Pop, Country and Folk music, as well as Islamic themes, Sufism, poetry and issues ranging from chivalry and nobility to war. [...]

He draws a parallel between old Arabic music and country music. "Both talk about virtues. A lot of storytelling. Storytelling is a huge thing in country music. They are very similar," he said.

However, he is quick to point out that in his opinion, modern Arabic music does not have much in common with country music.
At least tune-wise, there's no comparison between the two. Arabic music I've heard had no boots and sawdust character about it at all. I also suspect it would be an insult to Islam for a Muslim to sing a country song about cowgirls, pickup trucks, beer-drinking and hunting dogs.

Nevertheless, I wish Kareem good fortune and, given the opportunity, I'll lend an ear.

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