Sunday, August 31, 2008

Honor Killings Defended

(Islamabad, Pakistan) The representative for Baluchistan Province, Israr Ullah Zehri, told the Pakistani Parliament that the honor killings of five women last month were justified.
The sentiment comes in reaction to last months killing of five women, including three teens, who made plans to marry someone of their own choosing, by-passing the traditional method of arranged marriages that has long been the cultural norm in the conservative town of Baba Kot, a remote village in Jafferabad district.

According to reports, the account of what happened varies, but what is known is that the women were taken at gunpoint by six men who beat them, then shot them before pushing them into holes dug in the ground, where they were covered with dirt and rocks. Reportedly, some of them were still breathing when they were buried.
Strong-armed, beaten, shot and thrown into a hole while possibly still alive doesn't sound honorable to me. Of course, multicultural ideologues will continue to assert that all cultural practices must be respected as equals.

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