Friday, June 20, 2008

DHS Fugitive Operations Teams

Check out these numbers.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has unleashed a national dragnet that is hunting down "fugitive aliens." DHS has 75 Fugitive Operations Teams that are mounting raids across the country.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does the work as a DHS agency and there are nearly 600,000 ICE fugitives being tracked.

Therefore, 600,000 fugitives are to be rounded up by 75 seven-man teams. 600,000 divided by 75 equals 8,000 fugitives per team. And, 8,000 divvied up to seven team members equals 1143 fugitives each. Man! That's a whole lot of arrestin'!

The net result is that ICE fugitive teams need to perform massive sweeps and raids to make any progress against the backlog of known fugitives. Understandably, massive roundups sometimes capture the wrong people. It's claimed that "nearly" 30% of the wrong people are arrested (called collateral arrests).

On paper, the problem appears insurmountable. However, given the continuous flow of illegal aliens into the U.S. every year, it's logical to assume that there will be an influx of new fugitive aliens every year. Consequently, I believe the problem leapfrogs insurmountability to impossibility.

Great morale booster for those tackling the problem, eh?

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