Saturday, November 29, 2008

Recycling Scrapped in Britain

Waste managers have decided to stop recycling rubbish because the prices of recycled rubbish materials have plummeted. The demand for recycled materials has disappeared. As a consequence, the end product is worthless.

According to recycled waste spokesman Mark Blaker, recycling facilities are being closed.
'They are being removed as a result of the credit crunch basically.

'Much of our paper goes to China, for example, to make cardboard boxes. But at the moment, those boxes are not being made and exported to America like they were, so what's happened here is a knock-on effect.

'Prices in the summer for recycled material were at an artificial high, which is why the drop seems so dramatic, but now the product's price is pretty much zero pounds.'

Recycling banks are worst affected by the drop in prices because their contents are ' contaminated' with other materials that are processed together.
In summary, recycling doesn't work when there is zero economic benefit. Environmental slogans aside, the recycling operations are being shut down simply because they are a drain on companies' finances.

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