Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Officials Want Condoms in Adult Films

After news last week of two porn industry actors with HIV, it's probably to be expected that the government would want to get its hands into the business.
State and Los Angeles County health officials said Monday they believed existing regulations gave them the authority to require adult-film actors to use condoms, and the state Division of Occupational Health and Safety plans to begin inspections this week, marking the first time Cal/OSHA has investigated the adult-film industry.
Officials have stated that condom use is a health and workplace concern and it's important that standards be set for the industry.
"You couldn't imagine a construction company sending a person to a work site without a hard hat, and nor should we think of someone in an adult-film industry production company working without a condom," said Peter Kerndt, director of the sexually transmitted disease program for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. "I look at this strictly as an employer-employee issue."
It's presently unclear as to precisely how the "hard hats" are to be inspected, but there apparently won't be a need to hire additional investigators. It's been reported that the department secretary has already compiled a long list of employees who have volunteered for inspection assignments.

It may be reasonable to assume that the city of Los Angeles and the State of California will see the porn industry move their production companies to a less regulated location.

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