Monday, June 28, 2004

Man Killed by Potato Gun

(Cable, Ohio) Kyle Thompson, 21, was killed when a potato gun he was playing with exploded. It's suspected that too much gunpowder was used or a potato got stuck in the gun. Three others were injured, Judd Coffey, 31, Jason Anderson, 22, and Robert Kiser, 48.
"They were playing with this so-called potato gun, which is essentially a pipe bomb," [Champaign County Coroner] Richards said. "The metallic tubing exploded, essentially causing shrapnel to go flying everywhere."
I don't want to make light of death and misery, but this incident is a prime example of the fact that there is no way to protect people from themselves. There are risks in life and no amount of anti-gun or anti-pipe bomb legislation would have prevented this type of occurrence. People sometimes do dumb things and sometimes there are terrible results.

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