Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Bachelor Party With Dwarfs

This story has me shaking my head.

From MediaBistro:
Some people ARE just into lavish dwarf entertainment - and the Wall Street Journal is there for them. Today, smack dab on the front page, is a story about a Fidelty trader's rollicking bachelor party, complete with hookers and dwarves - and today, smack dab on the front page, the WSJ helpfully provides the URL where you, too, can rent dwarves for your very own party! (www.shortdwarf.com, Wolcott). Now that's service journalism!
Shortdwarf takes major credit cards and PayPal and it also links to the Get A Geek website. No price list was available, although, I have to mention that I only went one window into the website. I feared the need for a mind flush if I went further.

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