Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Deep Freeze in Russia

Cold Snap in Russia(Moscow) The body count is increasing from Russia's coldest winter in 25 years. Seven people died of hypothermia over the weekend resulting in a total death count of 135 since October.

From Mosnews.com:
The cold has severely strained the nation's crumbling infrastructure, with electricity use surging to record levels as towns and cities struggled to keep indoor temperatures up and Russians turned to supplementary heating sources, including electric radiators to keep warm.
In far eastern Russia, a blizzard on Kamchatka Peninsula stranded 18 people in a truck convoy for four days. Rescuers reached the snowbound drivers yesterday.

All in all, this winter has been particularly nasty in Russia and there has been occasional mention of the conditions in the news. Interestingly though, the miserable cold doesn't deter the hardline global warming cultists.

In an early morning news program I watched on Fox News yesterday, Molly Hennenberg (sp?) asked the resident weather scientist (didn't catch his name) to explain the deathly cold Russian winter. True to form, he blamed global warming. Evidently, it makes no difference whether the temperature goes up or whether it goes down, global warming caused it, dammit! And, of course, President Bush is responsible.

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