Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Maps For Illegal Aliens

(Mexico City) The Mexican government is providing detailed maps for foreign nationals to sneak into the United States.

From AZCentral.com:
The maps were designed by a Tucson-based group, Humane Borders, which plans to hold a joint press conference today with the National Human Rights Commission in Mexico City to announce its strategy.

The maps are the latest effort by activists to aid undocumented immigrants as they trek across the border, helping to fuel a raging debate over illegal immigration in Arizona and other parts of the United States.

Two rights commission officials confirmed the quasi-governmental agency had agreed to print and distribute the maps through its state offices to reach Mexican migrants before they ever leave their hometowns.
Although the National Human Rights Commission is called a quasi-governmental agency, I don't buy it. It couldn't be more governmental if Vincente Fox, cowboy hat and all, were driving truckloads of Mexicans to the border himself. In response, the U.S. should have trucks waiting to collect them for deportation.

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