Thursday, September 07, 2006

Berkeley Dopers Hospitalized

(Berkeley, California) Here's what happened at a University of California at Berkeley student housing cooperative Wednesday night.

Berkeley and Alameda County firefighters responded to the Cloyne Court co-op at 2600 Ridge Road at about 8 p.m., Alameda County Fire Department Battalion Chief Dan O'Hara said.

They found a group of about 30 people ages 18 to 25 suffering shortness of breath, racing heartbeats and anxiety, he said.

O'Hara said about 13 of them were sent to the hospital and two more were treated at the house after reportedly eating the marijuana-laced cookies.

According to Wing, police don't know if the cookies were laced with some other drug or if they simply ingested too much, but police are treating the situation as a criminal investigation at this time.
Based on the symptoms alone, there's a belief that something was in the cookies besides marijuana. Maybe the authorities will do some testing.

Nevertheless, isn't it a bit bothersome that a cadre of America's brightest and most scholarly future leaders allow themselves to be caught up in the drug culture? Last I checked, besides wheelbarrows full of money, one has to be an elite student just to get a chance at attending UC Berkeley.

Let's hope they all recover.

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