Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Study: Women Can't Keep Mouths Shut

(San Francisco, California) A female psychiatrist with the University of California, Dr. Luan Brizendine, has conducted research which found that women talk three times as much as men.

Based on clinical work and analyses of more than 1,000 scientific studies, Dr. Brizendine's research found that "the simple act of talking triggers a flood of brain chemicals which give women a rush similar to that felt by heroin addicts when they get a high." It's not that way with us guys.

From TheRegister.co.uk:
Dr Luan Brizendine of the University of California, who's published her shock findings in The Female Brain, says the average woman works her way through 20,000 words per day, compared with just 7,000 for the average bloke. She says "women devote more brain cells to talking than men", and cites fundamental differences between male and female brains as the cause.
According to "self-proclaimed feminist" Dr. Brizendine, the difference is explained by the level of testosterone in a person. The high level of testosterone in males suppresses those areas of the brain which control communication, emotion and memory.

Now, a logical conclusion would be that males have better listening skills than women. After all, if women are yakking most of the time, they can't be talking to other women since they, too, are yakking. Therefore, women must be talking to men and, as a result, men empirically are more adept at listening since they do it three times as much as women.

On the contrary, says Dr. Brizendine who runs a female "mood and hormone" clinic in San Francisco. According to her psychiatric feminist research, the testosterone in the male brain also shrinks the primary hearing cortex which makes them "deaf" to most logical arguments. However, the shrinkage in one area of the brain is compensated for by the expansion of the areas of the brain which control sexual thought processing.

Notably, not everyone concurs with Dr. Brizendine's assertions since there is no common agreement regarding testosterone's effect on the brain. Personally, I view the contention that women talk too much as about right, but it's ludicrous to label men as "deaf" to logic.

In summary, research found that women talk most of the time while men don't and the reason is that women don't have nasty testosterone to make them deaf and fiendish about sex.

Dr. Brizendine is reported to be affiliated with the University of California but in which capacity is unclear. Internet searches under 'psychobabble studies' and 'feminist psychiatric hooey' failed to return any useful results.

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