Thursday, March 29, 2007

Freed Gitmo Prisoners Beaten in Russia

Gitmo prisoners freed and sent to their homeland of Russia were greeted with harsh treatment and, of course, Human Rights Watch blamed the U.S. According to Carroll Bogert, associate director at Human Rights Watch, "The US government knew these men would likely be tortured and sent them back to Russia anyway."

Boy, you just can't satisfy the leftists. First, they say that prisoners are tortured at Gitmo and the place should be shut down. Yet, when action is taken to depopulate Gitmo to satisfy the concerns, the U.S. gets blamed because Russia beats the prisoners. The people at Human Rights Watch are being unrealistic if they believe that Russia is going to comply with conditions the U.S. has established regarding how to treat prisoners.

Obviously, the U.S. is the fall guy for anything the utopian human rights crowd doesn't like, regardless of whether it makes any sense. And, in those cases where released terrorist prisoners returned to the battlefield to kill American soldiers and innocent civilians, which has happened, Human Rights Watch utters not one peep.


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