Tuesday, September 25, 2007

China Revokes Food Licenses

(Beijing) The Chinese government says it has revoked the food production licenses of 564 companies in a crackdown on unsanitary and unsafe food manufacturing practices. Only three companies have been identified.
They were the Shijiazhuang Good Cook Food Factory, a monosodium glutamate factory in northern China's Hebei province, the Hefei Wanmaomao Quick-frozen Food Co in Anhui province in the east, and Kaiping Shagang District Xinfengsheng Rice Factory in the southern Guangdong province.

The other companies had their food production licences revoked because they were found to be manufacturing goods they weren't licensed to make, or because they had moved or were being renovated, it said.
The ChiComs are attempting to win back consumer confidence in Chinese products.

Let's be honest. Anything the ChiComs have done or say they will do is pure horseflop. They're communists! Therefore, the economy at all levels is corrupt. Setting standards and revoking licenses is meaningless.

Caveat emptor -- buyer beware!

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