Friday, September 21, 2007

Tent Rape Charged in Florida

(Collier County, Florida) Reportedly homeless, 45-year-old Lance Hicks has been charged with sexual battery.
A homeless man was arrested Wednesday night after a woman told authorities he raped her while she was sleeping inside his tent.
This is an outrage. Hicks wasn't homeless. He had a tent and it came with its own Goldilocks. After all, Sheriff Joe Arpaio houses thousands of prisoners in tents and they are not called homeless. Nor are the Bedouins and other nomadic tribes who roam the deserts of the Middle East and Africa while living in tents.

Regarding the alleged rape, Hiicks was arrested and claimed that he and the woman had consensual sex "all the time." This time, however, she was mad because he kicked her out of his tent.

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