Monday, December 22, 2008

No ethnic preferences allowed in marriage choices any more?

Jews and Indians and Muslims must be a bad lot, then. Have you any idea of what many a Yiddisher Momma thinks about "shicksas"? Endogamy (marrying within your own ethnic or social group) has always been widespread among the human race. Marrying "out" is still a rare phenomenon in most of the world. Even in Britain today, it would be a rare upper class female who would marry a Cockney (working-class Londoner). But apparently endogamy is now all wrong, according to our wise Leftists:
"As much as I'd love to pan Momma's Boys (8 p.m. on NBC, E!) -- a crass reality dating show about, holy Oedipus, three bachelors sifting through a sea of bodacious women with help from their opinionated, controlling mothers -- I have to admit that by the end of the horrifyingly in-your-face premiere, I couldn't look away.

That's because what started as a standard-issue exercise in reality claptrap -- the kind where you admire the scenery, laugh at the stupidity and nod off before the final credits -- took a bizarre turn with the arrival of momma No. 3, a defiantly racist Neanderthal who makes the most objectionable statements I've heard on a prime-time show since the heyday of All In The Family.

"I can't have a black one!" mutters Khalood Bojanowski of her dating wish list for her beloved son, Jo Jo. "I can't have an Asian one, I can't have a fat-butt girl. I can't have a mixture at all -- no mixture for my son. And no Jewish girl -- no way! I'm sorry, but I can't stand them!''


Apparently it's now only homosexual marriages that may not be criticized, according to the Left.

The rather priceless "Invitation" below is of course a joke but it gives you an (exaggerated) idea of the traditional Yiddisher Momma attitude to "my son the doctor" marrying a "shicksa" (non-Jewish female). "Schicksa" is, incidentally, a German word meaning "prostitute". Yiddish is a German dialect.

As far as I am concerned, Yiddisher Mommas have every right to want their sons to marry "a nice Jewish girl". There is nonetheless a high rate of intermarriage among Jews and "Goyim" (gentiles) -- so even Yiddisher Mommas don't always get their way.

Posted by John Ray.

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