Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nutty Irish peacenik accuses Israel of "ethnic cleansing"

The usual Leftist abuse of words. "Ethnic cleansing" is a term from the old Yugoslavia -- where lots of people are killed so that their co-ethnics flee. Nobody is being killed in Israel nor does any Israeli Arab citizen have to flee Israel. You can be sure they won't, in fact. The big push is to get INTO Israel. Israel has a large illegal immigration problem too. Lots of Arabs prefer living in Israel to living under Arab rule, for both economic and safety reasons. They may not always say so but they "vote with their feet".

The Norwegian Nobel "peace" prize is distinct from the Swedish Nobel prizes and is awarded by generally Leftist Norwegian politicians. That Arafat got one tells you all you need to know. You could call Arafat many things but a bringer of peace is about the last thing you would think of. He actually rejected all Israeli peace offers. It may also be noted that Maguire's "peace" efforts in Ireland soon petered out and had no apparent effect in the end
"Nobel peace laureate Mairead Maguire has accused Israel of "ethnic cleansing" policies in annexed east Jerusalem, where the municipality plans to tear down almost 90 Arab homes.

"I believe the Israeli Government is carrying out a policy of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians here in east Jerusalem," said Ms Maguire, who won the 1976 Nobel prize for her efforts at reaching a peaceful solution to the violence in Northern Ireland. "I believe the Israeli government policies are against international law, against human rights, against the dignity of the Palestinian people," she said.

The Israeli authorities say the houses were built or extended without the necessary construction permits. Palestinians say the planned demolitions aim at forcing them out of east Jerusalem. If the demolition orders are carried out 1500 people would be left homeless in one of the largest forced evictions since Israel occupied mostly Arab east Jerusalem in the 1967 war and later annexed it.


Posted by John Ray.

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