Monday, August 24, 2009

No free speech for Lou Dobbs?

I certainly don't always agree with Lou Dobbs but ....

"One campaign is a petition to call upon CNN head John Klein to fire Lou Dobbs for his repeated displays of anti-immigrant/anti-Mexican propaganda and for his equally racially divisive and inflammatory pot-stirring insistence that President Obama is not an American citizen.

Freedom of speech is one thing, hate speech is another. Intentionally inciting hatred and fanning the flames of racial division is a dangerous, destructive practice that does nothing to bring about productive, candid, honest dialogue about race this country desperately needs right now. These actions are completely unacceptable from someone who claims to be a journalist working for a mainstream news organization like CNN that claims to be “America’s most trusted name in news.”

Dobbs has been stoking the flames of racial fear and paranoia for far too long, and he, along with CNN, must finally be held accountable for it. If Dobbs wishes to continue along those lines then let him continue at Fox News where that kind of behavior is expected and where barely veiled and often blatant racism, sexism, homophobia and hatred is the order of the day.


Lots of Leftists seem to display the sort of compartmentalized thinking that often characterizes madmen. The writer above says that "candid, honest dialogue about race" is desperately needed but then rules out allowing one of the most candid, honest speakers from being heard. She wants a MONOLOGUE of Leftist pieties, not a DIALOGUE of any kind. It appears that when Leftists propose a dialogue they mean it as nothing more than an opportunity for others to agree with them. I suspect that they actually NEED everyone to agree with them. They know that they are denying half of reality and need universal agreement to save them from confronting that. They can't AFFORD for there to be free speech.

Posted by John Ray.

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