Wednesday, December 23, 2009

FBI: Gun Sales Increase, Murders Decrease

Gun control activists have long contended that more guns mean more violent crimes but recent FBI data do not support the assertions. In fact, within the past year there has been an explosion in gun ownership while data indicate a precipitous drop in violent crime. Imagine that.
After several years of crime rates holding relatively steady, the FBI is reporting that violent crimes – including gun crimes – dropped dramatically in the first six months of 2009, with murder down 10 percent across the US as a whole.

Concurrently, the FBI reports that gun sales – especially of assault-style rifles and handguns, two main targets of gun-control groups – are up at least 12 percent nationally since the election of President Obama, a dramatic run on guns prompted in part by so-far-unwarranted fears that Democrats in Congress and the White House will curtail gun rights and carve apart the Second Amendment.
Nevertheless, gun control advocates claim no correlation can be made between a surge in gun ownership and a steep decline in violent crime. Allowance is made, however, for a possible deterrent effect with criminals thinking twice before committing crimes for fear that someone may be packing heat. Think about it. News reports have been littered with stories of ammunition shortages and quotes from gun shop owners claiming the best gun sales year ever.

I suggest that the deterrent effect is substantial.

Companion post at The Jawa Report.

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