Thursday, July 11, 2013

Students Refuse First Lady's Lunches

(Flyover, Indiana)
School officials in Carmel Clay, Ind., said they lost $300,000 last school year because students are rejecting the healthy menu changes brought on by First Lady Michelle Obama’s federal lunch regulations.

“I’ve had a lot of complaints, especially with the little guys,” Linda Wireman, a food service director for North White School Corp., told JCOnline. “They get a three-quarters cup of vegetables, but if it’s something they don’t like, it goes down the garbage disposal. So there are a lot of complaints they’re going home hungry.”
Wow, $300,000 lost in one year.

1 comment:

Wireless.Phil said...

I don't blame the kids.
I couldn't eat that stuff either. Raw veg and fruit give me a stomach ache.


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