Thursday, June 26, 2003

 Cops Sexually Abusing Minors

I'm sure I'm not the only person getting tired of hearing about the rampant sexual abuse of minors. We've had priests, ministers, schoolteachers, and Internet lurkers indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced. But apparently there's more because we now have research compiling data that police officers are also molesting American youngsters.

Reporting the story in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Martha Mendoza explains:

At least a dozen teenagers assigned to work with police departments as part of the Boy Scouts' Law Enforcement Explorers program have allegedly been sexually abused by officers during the past year. In the past five years, such molestations number at least 25, according to criminologists' research . . . .

Occurring throughout the US, the identified incidents included rapes and sexual assaults of young people participating in the Law Enforcement Explorers, a co-ed program affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America. Nationwide, about 43,000 Explorers were assigned to police departments last year.

I hope the perpetrators are punished severely. A strong message needs to be sent to law enforcers that they will pay dearly for any incident of sexual misbehavior. After all, if you can't trust the cops, who can you trust?

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