Monday, June 30, 2003

 More Than Just Government Oversight

This story just jacks my jaws. According to the Ohio Inspector General, Tom Charles, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission should be credited for finally discovering an oversight in the department whereby it pissed away $290,000 over a period of five years. It seems the commission was being charged $4,400 per month for five years by AT&T for telephone lines that the agency wasn't using and forgot for five years to disconnect.

Now, someone please explain to me what kind of management doesn't bother to look at their expenses for five years.

I contend that there is no management, just a bunch of bureaucrats with a heartbeat. Nobody is responsible and nobody cares. If this happened in the private sector, heads would have already rolled. But this is government, so there will be the obligatory finger-pointing and shuffling of people to different positions and, then, things will die down and be back to normal with nobody in charge and nobody caring. The only noticeable change will come about because the government is increasing the state sales tax so the jerks can piss away even more dollars.

Another thing, the Inspector General and the Civil Rights Commission referred to this occurrence as an "oversight." Oversight my ass! Forgetting to buy bread at the store is an oversight. You pay four thousand four hundred dollars every month for five years in return for nothing is not an oversight. It's abject incompetence.

Ted Wendling wrote the story for the Cleveland Plain Dealer. If you want, you can find it here.

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