Monday, July 14, 2003

 Kennedy Dainties For Sale

I asked my wife if she would mind having her underwear auctioned off after she died provided it was done "tastefully." She responded with an emphatic, "Yes!! I would mind!" and then said, "What do you mean by 'tastefully?'"

I don't have a clue but apparently Paula Hantman, an auctioneer in Potomac, Maryland, does because she is tastefully selling the intimate undergarments of John and Jackie Kennedy. Included are John Kennedy's boxer shorts and pajamas along with Jackie's lingerie and pantyhose.

Given the character of Jacqueline Kennedy, I cannot envision that she would think there was anything tasteful about selling her or her husband's dainties. John Kennedy, being a guy, probably wouldn't have cared one way or the other.

The Washington Times has the whole story.

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