Monday, August 04, 2003

 Latest Health Food - Pizza

According to this story, results of a study of more than 8,000 people in Italy indicate that eating pizza at least once a week decreases the risk of digestive tract cancer.

"I think it's possible because we've known for a while that there's certain things in the Mediterranean diet -- olive oil, tomatoes and so on -- which do seem to have a protective effect," said Dr. David Cave, of Caritas St. Elizabeth's Medical Center.


"Not all pizzas are created equal. American pizza, particularly the deep-dish pizza that started in Chicago, tends to have a lot higher fat content, and clearly that's not such a good thing for you," Cave said.

I don't think we should be ethnocentric about this subject. For the sake of diversity, I strongly suggest that the results of the research in Italy be given paramount credence.

"He who eats the pizza will live long -- at least 100 years old," pizza chef Nano Napolaitano said.

OK, let's see. I know I've got an article around here somewhere that says beer is good for you.

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