Sunday, September 14, 2003


I picked this post off of Mahmood's Den. It indicates that there exists some undercurrent of unrest in Saudi Arabia by citizens that want the Saud family to get rid of the extremists. This may be unachievable. The Saud family, as I understand, is populated with some of the extremists.
Immediately you enter Saudi Arabia from the Bahrain/Saudi causeway you notice the heightened state of alert that the security forces are at. There are multiple manned check-points. Fortunately they didn't delay traffic that much. The sneaky thing about those check-points is that they are doubled up as speed traps as well! Fortunately I wasn't nabbed. The "etiquette of the road" in Saudi as is with other countries I guess is that the traffic from the other side warn you by constantly flashing their headlights for about 2km from the check-point, hence everyone just went at or below the speed limit!

I was only in Riyadh for a couple of hours for two meetings, so I didn't get a chance to speak to a lot of people, but from the people who I did speak with, they are well aware of this heightened security issue and the collective opinion amongst them is to rid Saudi of these extremists once and for all. They seem to enjoy no sympathy at least from the educated and business classes. While I was in Riyadh apparently there was a general terror alert going on, which explained the inordinate security measures I encountered.
This is one more indication of how firecracker hot the Middle East is.

Of note is that Mahmood's Den andOscar Jr. Was Herehave the same URL. Also of note is that Oscar Jr. has compilations of links to blogs around the US (by state) and around the world (by country). I've frequently used his site as a reference source to contact people. It's a worthy endeavor which he expands as new blogs present themselves. I'd suggest everybody visit and get listed.

[Update:] Mahmood's Den is an entirely different site from Oscar Jr. I apologize for the error.

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