Friday, October 24, 2003


The University of Florida conducted a study to correlate a person's height to their income and concluded that short people don't make as much money as taller people. The researchers, Tim Judge and Daniel Cable, examined case studies of thousands of people in the United States and Britain before drawing a conclusion. Judge stated:
". . . his data show that taller workers earn $789 more per inch of height per year. Judge argues height makes a difference, even when gender, weight or age are considered."
It's noted that the research did not address or consider individual talent, business smarts and traditional hard work in their evaluation of relative heights and incomes. With that in mind, one has to be somewhat skeptical about the conclusion that short people will make less money. It can probably be assumed that if they threw out the data for professional basketball players, the results of the study would show no significant disparity in income between the tall and the short.

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