Saturday, November 22, 2003

Contribution From Topless Club Rejected By Charities

(San Francisco, CA) The Penthouse Grille and Broadway Showgirls Cabaret topless clubs in North Beach have collected over $4,000 in recent weeks from a lap dances for charity project and they are having trouble giving the money to a charitable organization.
"Unfortunately, we had to decline," said Julie Homan of the Breast Cancer Fund. "They were really nice and everything, but we didn't want to be associated with a gentlemen's club. . ."
Other organizations rejecting the donation were the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp., the Hamilton Family Center, and Raphael House. In every case, the charity stated that they didn't want to be associated with topless men's entertainment.

Some observers are surprised that any morality can survive in San Francisco, known around the world as the bastion of bawdy behavior and attitudes. A gambler would probably ask how many zeroes need to be added to the donation for all traces of morality to disappear. You be the judge.

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