Sunday, November 02, 2003


This story indicates that European countries are at least trying to address the problem of foreign nationals roaming illegally in their lands, unlike the United States.
On 24 October deputy police chief Vladimir Husak said that in a nation-wide operation police officers had checked out close to 8,000 people, targeting cheap accommodation quarters, railway stations, pubs and other places where illegal migrants spend time. The night operation involved over 1,000 police officers, and took place just hours after Czech, German and Austrian police announced mass arrests of human traffickers operating in central Europe. Twenty-eight suspects were arrested in the joint operation, among them Moldavians, Romanians, Armenians, Poles, Russians and Czechs. The group is believed to have smuggled a total of 4,000 migrants from the east to Austria and Germany.
Wouldn't it be nice if people would use the correct "aliens" as opposed to the euphemistic "migrants?"

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