Sunday, November 16, 2003

Reward Offered for Serial Cat Killers

(Napa, CA) This is a troubling story. Apparently two men are roaming around the city of Napa late at night searching for cats to shoot. Within the past month, three cats have been killed and six others wounded. A $10,000 reward has been offered for information leading to their arrest.
Napa Police Officer Ken Chapman said a resident of the Alta Heights area, in the eastern part of the city, spotted two men wearing hooded sweatshirts driving a white Toyota Tundra pickup truck on Oct. 11. One man was leaning out of the passenger window and pointing a rifle toward the houses in the middle- class neighborhood.
All of the cats have been shot with .22-caliber bullets. The shooter works around midnight and uses the luminescence of the cat's eyes as a target.

The police need to find the people responsible for these serial crimes quickly. All too often the senseless killing of animals is an indicator of a diseased mind. A mind that could decide to kill people next.

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