Thursday, December 18, 2003

Nobody Noticed Dead Man for Two Months

According to police, an elderly man sat and died in front of a downtown Osaka, Japan, department store. And there he sat, for two months, as shoppers passed by daily. A taxi driver finally called the authorities.

My take is astonishment. How a decomposing body could go unnoticed for two months is incomprehensible. The only thing I can figure is that the body must have been partially hidden or camouflaged in some manner such that the guy was mistaken as being just another neglected, dead-looking husband waiting for his wife to finish shopping.

This probably wouldn't happen in the US. I'm fairly certain that homeless, street-dwelling people are nudged awake every few days by Kucinich for President campaign workers. Even they would recognize the futility of trying to get the vote of a decomposing corpse despite the fact that it matches perfectly with the demographic profile of the typical Kucinich supporter.

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