Monday, December 29, 2003

Tobacco Traffickers Arrested

(Mason, Ohio) Three men in a 2002 Chevrolet van were pulled over by Ohio State Troopers for a marked lane violation, a minor traffic infraction.
Troopers then found inside the van large quantities of untaxed tobacco - nearly 166,000 cigars, 108 packets of chewing tobacco and 552 packages of cigarette tobacco.
So these guys started with a minor traffic violation that progressed to them being charged with a major felony for trafficking contraband. They are in jail awaiting someone to pay $50,000 each to bail them out.

There is nothing really unique about this incident since similar occurrences happen regularly. Seldom does a week go by that cops don't pull over a car for a minor violation like speeding or a broken taillight only to find a half ton of marijuana or 50 kilos of cocaine or something similar.

What is worthy of note is that within the massive American prison population is a definable subset of convicts that got arrested just because they were just too dumb to obey the motor vehicle laws.

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