Monday, January 26, 2004

Catherine Bosley - Latest Discussion

As a follow up to a previous post, I posted an entry at eTALKINGHEAD (see here) which suggests that Catherine Bosley should not have been forced to resign from her television news position for frolicking onstage in Key West while nude. Although, no common agreement is probable concerning whether she should or should not retain her newscaster job, Dustbury has chimed in with a post and comment thread that raises a new issue. Do the nude photos of Catherine Bosley exhibit evidence of prosthetic fullness through surgical intervention?

My take is that it's hard to tell. The photos contain insufficient detail. However, it must be noted that Catherine Bosley does appear to be immune to the force of gravity. It also appears that she is meticulously adept at removing unwanted follicular effluents.

Despite the contentiousness of her vacation behavior, it is still my opinion that she should have been allowed to continue as a newscaster in Youngstown.

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