Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Study: Parents of Obese Children Are Stupid

(London) According to research conducted by the Peninsula Medical School in Plymouth, England, a large percentage of mothers and fathers are stupid. Based upon the study, a third of mothers and 57% of fathers are unaware of the current politically malleable definition of obesity and, therefore, are unable to determine if their own children are obese.

This research should not be surprising to anyone. Every time a taxpayer-funded research organization wants more money, a study is conceived to produce predetermined results supporting the contention that more government spending is required for their research.

Of note is that the article references "an internationally recognized measurement of obesity in children," but fails to mention that the recognized measurement is derived by people with an agenda, i.e., taxpayer-funded international groups who have an interest in increased government spending on themselves.

Expect increased research on the stupidity of parents and massive government programs to educate them.

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