Wednesday, April 21, 2004

John Kerry Skirts Tax for the Rich

It's difficult to figure out where John Kerry stands on many issues because of his tendency to argue for both sides. There's relative certainty, however, on how he feels about taxes. A constant drumbeat of his campaign is his plan to raise taxes on all Americans making more than $200,000 a year. Kerry's opinion is that the rich are not paying their "fair share." Except for himself.

The State of Massachusetts tax forms provide an option of paying a previously-mandated tax rate of 5.85%, rather than the currently-imposed 5.3%. This allows the rich to pay their "fair share." Well, guess what?
For two years now, John Kerry has had the opportunity to pay his "fair share." But like some Benedict Arnold CEO, the Democratic Party candidate for president has taken the money and ran.
So, it's necessary for rich Americans to pay more taxes with one exception, John Kerry. Also,
Of 2,104,326 Massachusetts state returns filed by April 15, exactly 624 taxpayers had opted to pay at the higher rate, a very small number indeed, considering that in a statewide referendum, 1,055,181 good liberals voted against cutting the income tax rate.
Think about those numbers.

Over a million Massachusetts voters said they wanted the tax rate to be maintained at 5.85% but, when it came time to pay, they opted for the lower 5.3% rate. This suggests that liberals in Massachusetts are in favor of higher taxes, but not for themselves. It's therefore reasonable for me to be leery of liberals in general. I firmly believe that their goal is to raise my taxes and they're not happy if they don't. Liberals have no interest in raising their own taxes.

Of course, there's also the possibility that liberals generally possess conflicted personalities. Testimony to that would be John "I-voted-for-it-before-I-voted-against-it" Kerry. If honesty were part of political campaigns, the Democrat slogan would be something like "Be Confused - Vote Democrat."

The Cracker Barrel Philosopher has more. Go visit.

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