Wednesday, April 07, 2004

A Liberal Reviews Air America

San Antonio writer and activist Justin Felux provides some observations about Air America Radio in the Alternative Press Review. His take is that the programming is produced by white people for white people and it's trending towards being a complete turn-off to minorities. Other reviewers have used the words 'disappointing' and 'boring.' Here's an excerpt from Felux.
Sadly, it seems that nothing will be there to balance the utter whiteness of the network's format. Considering that the Democratic Party would be a political nonentity without the support of black voters, the fact that they are shut out and marginalized at every turn is beyond insulting. Air America Radio is just another episode in a long history of callous indifference and clueless misunderstanding the Democratic Party and white liberals in general have shown toward the black community. White liberals need to wake up and realize that this sort of business isn't going to cut it any longer, and black liberals need to speak up loudly and let them know it. Refusing to tune in to Air America Radio would be a good place to start. I know I won't be.
After only a week, Felux's and other initial reviews of Air America have to be an embarrassment for the liberal pundits who were ebullient with optimism prior to launch.

My perspective is that it seems the singular mannerism that is common among all the producers and players involved with Air America is anger at and hatred for conservatism. Historically, anger and hatred seldom contribute to entertainment value. And, without entertainment, Air America won't have an audience.

Hat tip: Instapundit

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