Tuesday, April 27, 2004

MPAA Teaches Copyright Law to Middle School Students

The Boston Globe reports that the entertainment industry is now providing funding to teach copyright law in middle schools to encourage youngsters not to illegally download movies and music from the Internet. About $200,000 has been spent by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) in their school program to combat digital piracy. Entertainment companies contend that billions of dollars are lost due to piracy, but no reliable evidence supports their claim. Nevertheless, to minimize the losses they do incur, the industry has opted to teach the intricacies of copyright law to middle schoolers.

I have a couple questions. Isn't the MPAA a member of that grand group of secular leftists that protest the loudest to have the Ten Commandments removed from schools? And, isn't "Thou shall not steal" a Commandment?

If the Ten Commandments were an integral part of a child's education, whereby they were taught not to steal, maybe the entertainment industry wouldn't have the impossible challenge of trying to teach the complexities of intellectual property ownership to 12-year-olds.

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