Sunday, May 09, 2004

The Foreign Vote

David Janes posts on an International Herald Tribune report that Europeans are overwhelmingly anti-Bush and are frustrated by the fact that their support for John Kerry won't be translated into votes. From a Spaniard, speaking for others,
"People say, 'I'm very frustrated that I can't vote in the U.S. elections, because these are the ones that affect my way of life more than anything else,'" Ken Dubin, a political scientist at Carlos III University in Madrid, said in an interview.
My take is simple, Mr. Dubin. Just wait your turn. Efforts are in progress to get children the right to vote in California and we all have heard about dead people voting in Chicago. The motor-voter law was implemented to help put ballots in the hands of non-citizens and stories abound on how busloads of Mexicans frequently help in border state elections. I suspect some enterprising liberal politician is currently working on a way to have foreign nationals vote in US elections, either legally or illegally.

Ninja-style, Steven Den Beste chimes in on the subject with customary sage comments.

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