Saturday, May 22, 2004

Homosexual Quota for Democratic National Convention

Preparations are well under way for this summer's Democratic Party National Convention in Boston and it appears that the Democrats are aggressively courting the homosexual population. According to this report,
Democratic parties in 15 states and Puerto Rico are requiring that a specific number of their delegates be homosexual, bisexual or transgender.
Quota numbers and specific states are not identified, but one has to wonder why 35 states are excluded in this affirmative action requirement for assignment of delegates. Certain populations of homosexuals will be geographically discriminated against by not being included in the quota scheme. Within the Democratic Party, it appears that homosexuals in some states are more equal than homosexuals in other states.

Only a few sources have reported this story and, to my knowledge, none were the major media. Having observed the philosophical decay of the Democratic Party over the years, I have no reason to doubt the veracity of the story, however, it would be nice to see more information.

In my estimation, the Democrats at the grass roots level have to feel somewhat minimized in their importance when the national party dictates who they can have to represent them.

Hat tip: Between the Coasts

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