Sunday, May 02, 2004

Judge Okays Turbans for NYPD Cops

(New York, NY) Administrative Law Judge Donna Merris ruled that the NYPD discriminated against Jasjit Singh Jaggi, a Sikh, because of his religious beliefs. Jaggi had been forced to resign because he refused to perform his duties without wearing a turban or shaving his beard. Ruling on a religious discrimination complaint filed with the city Commission on Human Rights, Judge Merris ordered Jaggi reinstated.
Jaggi, 36, who has been working at a motel in Vermont, said on Thursday he was looking forward to returning to his NYPD job. He called the decision a "great victory for Sikhs."
The police department hopes to influence the commission to change their position.

Frankly, this makes no sense to me. I've always been under the impression that uniforms allowed the police to present a consistent, formal, and official image to the public. This decision by Judge Merris indicates that uniforms will henceforth not be required to exhibit uniformity. Also, one would have to assume that the door is open for cops with dreadlocks, yarmulkes, veils, and just about anything else that can be tied to religion.

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