Monday, May 03, 2004

Methodists Urged to Boycott Taco Bell

(Pittsburgh, PA) The General Conference of the United Methodist Church has decided to join a boycott of Taco Bell because of complaints from Florida tomato pickers that they don't make enough money and are treated badly. Every four years, the church leaders meet to discuss important issues and pass resolutions for action. Current action will be against Taco Bell. It's not clear which fruit and vegetable pickers will prompt the next boycott, but there are many to choose from. There's the banana pickers in Guatemala, the coffee pickers in Columbia and West Africa, the citrus pickers in the Rio Grande Valley, and so on.

Now, I'm no theologian but in my reading of the Bible, I don't recall any particular passages that advocated Marxist political tactics. Apparently, some leaders of the United Methodist Church have found the applicable Biblical verse that directs the proletariat to rise against the bourgeoisie.

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