Tuesday, June 15, 2004

United Nations Predicts Calamity

One of the United Nations committees responsible for releasing periodic reports forecasting the end of the world, the Convention to Combat Desertification, has issued its tenth annual prediction. Once again, the end of the world is foreseen to be imminent because of population growth, technology, and global warming. And, also once again, no time frame is established for when the end will come, but they know it's near.
The Global Change Research Program says global warming could eventually make the Southwest wetter -- but it will also cause more extreme weather, meaning harsher droughts that could kill vegetation.
Therefore, the scientists figure that the wetter the land becomes, the harsher the droughts.

I guess I just don't understand the scientific part because, to me, wet is the opposite of drought. Nonetheless, I suspect that the end-of-the-world committees will announce the same open-ended prediction for as long as money is shoveled in their direction.

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