Thursday, July 15, 2004


To recap the last ten days or so, I got a boo-boo, went to the doctor, who looked at me and said, "You'll be 100% in a couple of weeks. Here are some painkillers and, oh, don't forget to use the donut." Well, I'm about 80% toward complete recovery now and anxious to blog. That's the news. Here's the commentary.

First of all, the donut is a cushioning device that closely resembles a toilet seat and is about as large. It's designed to be used when sitting to take pressure off of the coccyx to help minimize pain. I was instructed to carry it around with me. Uh ... Regular readers of this blog would probably wager that I'm not someone who would walk around with a toilet seat tucked under his arm. And, they would win their bets.

Secondly, no single adjective can describe the pain associated with having a broken coccyx. It's excruciating, it's debilitating, it's sharp and enduring, it's mind-numbing, and, worst of all, it's sneaky. Yes, like a sneaky snake, it strikes unexpectedly without any obvious provocation. Standing is a partial mitigator and forsaking tasks altogether is another. All in all, I have been standing around, doing nothing, and swallowing lots and lots of pain pills.

Thirdly, I learned the injury is not uncommon. I am somewhat surprised because this fact is not regularly mentioned in the media or elsewhere. A notable group affected is all the world's women who have given birth. As I understand, during birth the coccyx is vulnerable and injury sometimes occurs. Therefore, the pain of the childbirth experience has been rendered somewhat understandable to this Interested-Participant.

To close, I'm not completely healed but will be soon. Unfortunately though, since EVERYTHING was left hanging when I was injured, it'll take me a while to catch up with all my obligations. For instance, I haven't even looked at my email yet. I'll be doing that next and posting as I can. Thanks to those who sent well wishes. They were much appreciated.

By the way, the experience is not recommended.

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