Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Aussies Limit Union Demands

In a somewhat groundbreaking decision, the Australian High Court has ruled that union demands from management have to pertain to the workers, working conditions, employment policies, benefits and the like. The ruling prevents the unions from tossing into negotiations such issues as the environment, social programs, and political causes. For example, the union would be prohibited from demanding that a company develop a program to protect the Canadian beaver if it didn't pertain to the business. Unions wouldn't be stopped from actively supporting causes of any kind, they just couldn't make it part of their contract negotiations with management.

Although I'm not familiar with Australian Labor Laws, the High Court ruling appears to be quite sensible. The laws of the U.S. must be very different with regard to unions since I can't recall this subject being a big issue. Nonetheless, unions should represent workers with regard to their work and extraneous issues shouldn't be included. (via Dissecting Leftism)

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