Monday, October 11, 2004

Alcohol Excites Males, Makes Females Drowsy

Research conducted by the University of Kentucky found that men are much less capable of holding their liquor than women.
In tests, scientists gave their subjects set amounts of alcohol and measured their ability to hit a button at the right time when a symbol flashed in front of them.

Shapes were flashed repeatedly on to a computer screen and when a green shape appeared, the subjects had to press a green button on the keyboard.

The green shapes were interspersed with a smaller number of blue shapes. When these flashed, participants were supposed to leave the keyboard alone.

The more drunk the subjects became, the less able they were to stop themselves hitting the keyboard when the blue shape flashed, with men markedly worse than women.
I don't know if I'd give this study much credence. I have problems hitting the keybroad when I'm compeltly sober.

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