Monday, October 25, 2004

Bosox Fan Dies

I just came across a very interesting post at the CodeBlueBlog and the author calls for the medblogs to take an interest in the story. Here's an excerpt:
The night the Red Sox won the ALCS, 80,000 Bostonian fans swelled the streets around Fenway, and a police officer fired a pepper ball into a part of the crowd. The marble-sized pepper ball -- that travels about 300 feet per second -- is said to have struck a woman in the eye. By the accounts I can find, the woman fell to the ground and was reported to be bleeding from her nose, at least. She died hours later at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
So it appears she died from a pepper ball wound which the author disputes as not being founded on existing medical knowledge. In fact, no data supports anyone ever dying in this manner. The post is engaging and I recommend that my readers visit the CodeBlueBlog.

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