Friday, December 31, 2004

Russia May Preemptively Attack Terrorists

Here's a somewhat ominous report from Xinhua:
Russian Defence Minister Sergey Ivanov says the country may launch a preemptive attack against terrorist bases.

Sergey Ivanov was speaking at a Russian government press conference, Thursday. He didn't disclose a specific target for the attack and only said the target had always existed.
It's not news that Russia would preemptively attack terrorists, but it is news that a specific target has been identified and it has "always existed." It's also curious that the announcement seems to carry a veiled sense of imminence.

Not revealing the target is logical. Seldom is it a good idea to tell your enemies where the next attack will be. Nevertheless, it would be nice to know how the Russians classify, categorize, and define "terrorist base."

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