Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Resurrecting Stalin

Russian President Putin is showing his black communist heart more and more as time goes by. The latest act is the resurrection of the evil murderer Josef Stalin as a national hero. Soon, two statues will be erected to Stalin's memory. One is destined for a public square in Moscow.

The other statue will be located in the Belgorod region near the Ukrainian border. This statue will commemorate the Soviet victory over Hitler and Nazi Germany during WWII. It will also silently remind the citizens of the Ukraine of the forced starvation program Stalin imposed in the 1930s that killed over 6 million of his own people.

Helluva guy to memorialize, don't you think? Hitler was an amateur murderer when compared to Stalin. And Putin idolizes him. How nice. Tell us, Vladimir, when will you start the executions of the intelligentsia and bourgeoisie? And, is there not a pipeline in Siberia needing workers? (via PoliBlog)

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