Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Underground Economy

Okay readers, pay attention. A salient point to remember about illegal aliens is that they total millions of workers who don't pay taxes. And, according to Barron's, the resultant underground economy is estimated to be slightly less than $1 trillion in size. As such,
If the IRS could collect all the taxes it says that it is owed from the underground economy in a given year, then the current budget deficit would disappear overnight.
A prudent conversationalist would want to keep this little nugget of information in mind when debating the issue of illegals pouring across the border. After all, somebody has to pay the bills racked up by the government and if the illegals aren't paying taxes, guess who is?

Hat tip to Diggers Realm, along with much appreciation for taking a lead role in compiling and analyzing breaking stories regarding illegal aliens in the U.S. As soon as any immigration-related news surfaces, Digger will be covering it. Go visit.

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